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How to invest
AUKTN history and track record

Despite being profitable and annualising 18%, for the benefit of our investors, the strategies and systems are constantly stress-tested in all possible and available scenarios to find the worst possible drawdown.


Any concerned investor (due to drawdown) has the right and access to review the results of the stress-tests that shows the worst negative drawdown since 2018 at


Our audited track record of the underlying darwin is available at Darwinex

Any potential investor that requires more information on our portfolio (ie longer track record), please email


Investing with AUKTN

After searching far and wide we choose Darwinex as the broker agent that will suit all parties involved. They are UK FCA regulated. Their business model enables us to trade the market and for investors to back us. They act as the perfect independent third party, that will provide transparency by giving the investors the tools to monitor their investments with us which will eliminate any possible Ponzi scheme or money laundering.


"Finding the best person or the best organization to invest your money is one of the most important financial decisions you’ll ever make." - Bill Grossn


Investors do not pay us any management fee*, and their investments are not tied into any commitment period. We also provide quarterly financial reports to our investors (48 hours clearance required). Our investors have the right and the ability to move their funds in or out at any time. All investments in our trading systems are transacted through this UK FCA regulated third party (Darwinex FRN 586466), and the terms and conditions you agree to are between yourself and Darwinex, which gives you an extra level of security to your investment (Darwinex has an insurance policy that covers customer deposits up to £500k per user).


We have 100% of our investable net worth invested in our strategies and systems because we are confident that our risk models will protect us from any financial disaster and yet our returns will on average beat the S&P index.

Take advantage of compound gains and invest 1% of your disposable income with us and see what we can do for you.



"Compound interest is the eighth wonder of the world. He who understands it earns it … he who doesn’t … pays it."  - Albert Einstein** 

How to invest


* This excludes 1.2% per annum management fee paid directly to the regulating third party

** Widely believed to be quoted by Albert Einstein


- Uche Ejike, Senior Risk Manager (SRM)
“An experienced asset manager knows how to get out of a tough situation, but a smart veteran never gets into one, by constantly managing their risk and exposure.”  
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